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You can count on our certified mechanics to offer an affordable repair rate when determining the cause and solution for your auto repair problem.

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To get the best brake service available, you should visit our location where we have expert brake repair mechanics that efficiently service your vehicle.

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With us, you will always get reliable and honest service from our certified mechanics that have years of experience. Contact us today for a FREE estimate on our services.

The Brake Shop - Parma, Ohio - Brake Service and Auto Repair

Superior quality auto repair services

Leave your auto care to our trusty hands

Whether you need minor or major auto repair services, remember that The Brake Shop is available to offer you expert auto repair services at an affordable rate. With us, you will always get the prompt and reliable service you demand to ensure you get your vehicle back quickly.

Services Include: Tune-Ups, Oil Changes, Radiator Repairs, Brake Repairs, Fuel Line Leaks, Filters, Bearings

Proudly serving Parma, Ohio and the surrounding areas

When you need specialized care for your vehicle, depend on our team of ASE certified mechanics to perform top grade electrical repairs and brake service repair.